Images Texts
everything that works is built on logic
A Cue for the Clueless
in March 2012 i said to Matthew Bishop, who was writing about governments enthusiastically experimenting with 'nudge' policies based on behavioural economics:
i want to paint a picture of the new society where personal opinions, likes and dislikes, preferences, prejudices and fixed ideas are increasingly important while governments and companies are more and more skillful in playing them.
so, those Mental Elements are shown as coloured Balls and the outside influence (governmental or other) is shown as the snooker-type Cues - aimed at the Balls.
on this new planet we see many Suns, those roughly reflect the colours of the Mental Elements...
The Economist

what's your interest ?
¿get rich
illustrating for the world media was my main activity for many years, i am re-thinking that now, while working on a new project.
yesss -- this site is due for a BIG update - last updated in dec 2019 - we know what happened then :-/
good news is that my current project is going well - it is sure to keep me busy for the next few years
i will deal with this site as soon as a find time...

21th March 2021
re-thinking how to show photography... here are some random images from the Blog section - mostly old but new images are being steadily added