hello Visitor,
you are looking at my personal web site, set up in the year 2000 - to gain overview, organize ideas, share, collaborate with people i like, and - hello world - communicate across the planet.
world has much changed since then, a profound transformation - mostly driven by the Internet, then fed back into Internet -- that formidable tool for improvement is steadily unfolding its terrifying potential for destruction and manipulation.
large part of this site are my illustration images, most of those for The Economist newspaper in London, those images are no longer being made but remain of historical and other value and therefore will remain here, while i am slowly moving focus towards my new projects, the current one ›Deep Cheque is developing beautifully, one to fuse my many interests with unforeseeable outcomes.
the last few years have been very hard, 2019 probably a turning point, towards what we will find out soon, i was never afraid of change - it makes me stronger, just as long as it doesn't kill me ;-)
you can get much content from the ›front page - via Search, which is still quite basic but reaches many categories simultaneously, the front page will be different, each time you load it. the main ›Search page gives more options.
the Photography section is still being re-considered, here is the ›update.
i hope you enjoy the site, the content is managed via ›Netcells.net - power to creative people!