Images Texts
i always have a plan! but i'm also always ready to modify it
When The Only Way is Up
absence of optimism plays a large role in keeping people trapped in poverty - says Saugato Datta. predictably, that drew caustic comments from some of The Economist's readers...
however, he is not wrong - not that the excess of optimism solves all the problems either :-/
the image shows a Human, under red poverty line, sat in cloudy cage of his own making. but - look - he is poised to push the Mental Lift button that will carry him Up!
made in Cabanyal, Valencia, Spain.
The Economist

what's your interest ?
¿get rich
Jac Depczyk is a 4-lingual cyberartist, photographer, designer and enterpreneur, based in UK, France and Spain.
yesss -- this site is due for a BIG update - last updated in dec 2019 - we know what happened then :-/
good news is that my current project is going well - it is sure to keep me busy for the next few years
i will deal with this site as soon as a find time...

21th March 2021
re-thinking how to show photography... here are some random images from the Blog section - mostly old but new images are being steadily added